Monday, June 25, 2007

From the Shadows

From the Shadows : Exposing the New World Order

Join Halaqah Media's production "From the Shadows" on an audio adventure unlike any other, enhanced with brilliant effects mastered digitally in Dolby Surround. Experience a gripping and compelling adventure through the realms of time. Explore the cloaked hand that has been responsible for some of history's most important turning points. The same hand that now controls every medium, exploiting it for their sole ambition of total global domination with a one World government. Be there when we uncover the gripping truth surrounding Masonry, past and present that is exposed in this exclusive insight never before revealed.

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Shadows 2 : Money

Some say money is the root of all evil: a tool used by the wicked and the greedy to manipulate and control.Others see it as the key to all life’s puzzles. But whatever you believe one thing is for sure it affects everyone of us.

Halaqah Media explores the dark history of money and how it has influenced the world we live in.

You will never see money the same again!

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Shadows 3: Covert Operations (The CIA Exposed)

Enhanced CD. Digitally recorded and reproduced - DDD. "Man, independent of time, independent of place, independent of religion seems to be inherently blood thirsty with an enthusiastic restlessness for war. In the dawn of a new century, it seems our ability to change is forever escaping us; ultimately, wars will always know sequels."

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